Eris commemorates Women's Month by celebrating Women in Property

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Every year in August our country marks Women's Month. This month we celebrate some of the amazing female employees who work with us. We had a discussion with some to help us understand what it is really like to work in real estate, the importance of mentorship and their top advice for females entering the property industry, a predominantly male-dominated industry.

We asked Debbie Bands, Principal at Avison Young Eris SA and Executive Head of Corporate Real Estate Services at Eris Property Group, if she was concerned about working in a male-dominated property industry, "I have been part of the male-dominated property industry for more than 21 years. I think I was young enough when I started to have the confidence to focus on my professional growth (and develop resilience!) and realise the opportunity for impact and the chance to contribute to positive change in the workplace".

While some women were not worried at all about working in a male-dominated industry, some did have reservations. Petal Pillay, who has been in the industry for 28 years and is Head of our Kwa-Zulu Natal Region did have some concerns. "Being a fairly reserved female lead, I was often overlooked due to my quieter demeanour and to add to that, being a woman of colour automatically placed me in a position of minority" she says. "However, my years of experience have earned me the respect of my peers - both male and female. I am trusted by my team to not only guide in our professional environment but also as a sounding board of advice in our personal realms," she adds. Our Asset Manager, Lisebo Malefane, has a different sentiment: "I was raised by a single mother who worked her way up to the most senior position at her job so the gender of the people I worked with has never been intimidating to me."

Some women also feel that they have had to 'prove' themselves in this male-dominated workplace. Michelle Lupke, our Regional Property Manager, says: "I must constantly tap into the highly technical side of property to prove that women can also succeed in this technical sphere and know what they are talking about." Adds Debbie: "Good clear communication and a certain level of assertiveness is often required. Establishing respected relationships with male colleagues is imperative as this promotes equality. It is important to contribute to discussions. These efforts are vital to establish credibility, which doesn't always come naturally in a male-dominated industry.

All the women agree that a mentor is paramount to success and that certain role models have stood out for them during their careers. Niri Govindan, our Head of Property Management in Gauteng Region, who under her management has more than 20 ambitious, powerful and well knowledgeable woman who are experts in the industry, says: "In my journey of fulfilling various positions within the organisation, I was led by powerful, professional and experienced woman who helped me achieve my goals with confidence and therefore I strive to lead the same example ― and to encourage my female co-workers to never give up and to always remember your worth."

Says Lisebo: "I was privileged to have been accepted into the graduate programme at Eris Property Group where I got to work closely with some seasoned professionals who openly took me under their wings and inspired me to pursue a career in asset management.  Agrees Petal: "Your first manager is always your best mentor. Whether it be a good or unpleasant experience; there is always a lesson to be learnt. In terms of female role models, I am inspired by all the women I have worked with - the women I report to, the women who head up their regions, and the women on my team. I see different strengths and capabilities in each woman, and I chose the best qualities of each of them to take with me through life"

The all-important question of how to give women a seat at the table cannot be done without the help of all colleagues. "We need more women to be supported in gaining senior and executive roles in the industry. More platforms for women to connect and mentor each other are needed. Promotion of policies that encourage diversity and addressing head-on the barriers that women face in the industry would be great," says Yvonne Mutonji, our Broker Liaison Consultant. Adds Lisebo: "The men in senior positions need to be more willing to empower and bring women up with them. This has increased over the years but is still not enough." Adds Michelle: "Sharing knowledge and empowering other women will enable them to shine and be noticed."

Valuable lessons that have been learnt:

Being in a male-dominated industry has taught me to be proactive, resilient, and assertive, while also emphasising the importance of collaboration and support from peers" - Debbie

"Always put your best foot forward and think things through so you can stand behind your team and the decisions you make" - Lisebo

"Significant strides have been made in promoting gender equality in the sector and more women are taking up leadership roles. Organisations such as SAIBPP and the Women's Property Network are actively promoting and giving support to women in the industry be it through networking, advocacy and education. The time for women is now." - Yvonne

"All the women concur that women must be involved in this industry" says Petal: "Women provide a holistic view in any situation. This works well in an industry that has many moving parts. A woman's ability to multi-task, be innovative and provide great service delivery is what adds life to the industry. Women are the architects of society."

Adds Niri: "Women pay attention to detail and are becoming more techno-savvy with amazing marketing ideas, which boosts the revenue stream." Lisebo concurs: "Women are excellent leaders, are detail oriented and, as men and women may approach tasks differently, the two genders complement each other well and it promotes creativity."

Concludes Yvonne: "Studies have shown that diversity in a team especially those with women tend to make better decisions and achieve better financial performance. Having more women in property can inspire other women to tap into this fruitful industry and thereby build a more balanced and inclusive industry."

Advice for women entering the industry:

"Do not be afraid and see each challenge as an opportunity to grow (no matter how big or small)" - Michelle

"There is nothing you cannot do when you put your mind to it. Learn and grow. Be inquisitive and remember ambition is a door to greatness" - Yvonne

"Always shake hands! Have the right approach and mindset, make significant contributions, make sure you are recognised and given credit for your work, build a support network, seek growth opportunities, be resilient... believe in yourself! Recognise your skills and strengths (and weaknesses) and believe that you deserve to be in the industry just as much as anyone else" - Debbie

"Don't let the fear of failing stop you from trying" - Lisebo

"Find the balance between work and play. It's tough being a dedicated Mother and a full-time career woman but the reward is worth it when the balance is found" - Niri


Author: Eris

Submitted 05 Aug 24 / Views 1119